
In the dynamic world of programming, learning to work effectively with various frameworks is crucial. This article explores an important feature in the .NET universe – Hosted Services in ASP.NET Core.

Hosted services are fundamental components that allow long-running tasks to be executed in the background, providing an elegant way to free up resources and enable applications to continue functioning without interruption. In a world where speed is essential, the ability to perform background tasks is invaluable. For ASP.NET Core applications, hosted services are the perfect solution for effectively managing tasks that would otherwise consume valuable resources.

Throughout this article, I will delve into the world of Hosted Services in ASP.NET Core. I’ll start by understanding the basic concepts and relevance of Hosted Services. Then, I will provide a step-by-step demonstration of how to implement Hosted Services in an ASP.NET Core application, detailing each step of the process. I will also show how to handle dependencies in hosted services and offer some tips and tricks for effectively working with them.

Section 1: Understanding Hosted Services

Hosted services are an integral part of ASP.NET Core and are fundamental to creating robust and efficient applications.

Simply put, a hosted service is a service that starts when the application starts and continues to run background tasks throughout the application’s lifetime. These tasks can range from intensive I/O operations, such as reading and writing to a database, to network operations, such as API calls.

In the context of an ASP.NET Core application, hosted services play a crucial role in executing tasks that are not directly tied to a user request. While controllers handle user requests and return responses, hosted services operate in the background, performing tasks that are not directly related to a user request. They operate independently of the request lifecycle, meaning they can continue to function even when there are no active requests. This allows the application to perform long-running operations without interrupting or slowing down the user’s interaction with the application.

Hosted services have a wide variety of use cases. For example, they can be used for:

  • Polling: The service can regularly poll an external API or database for updates and process the received information.

  • Scheduled Task Execution: The service can execute tasks at specific times, similar to a cron job on a Linux server or a scheduled task on Windows.

  • Message Queue Processing: The service can read and process messages from a message queue, allowing the application to react to asynchronous events.

  • State Maintenance: The service can maintain a specific state of the application and expose that state to other parts of the application through dependency injection.

Now that we have a basic understanding of what hosted services are and why they are useful, let’s explore how to implement them in an ASP.NET Core application.

Section 2: How to Implement Hosted Services in ASP.NET Core

Implementing hosted services in ASP.NET Core is a fairly simple and straightforward process that mainly involves the IHostedService interface. This interface has two methods that must be implemented: StartAsync(CancellationToken) and StopAsync(CancellationToken). The StartAsync method is called when the application starts and is where your service’s startup logic should reside. Similarly, the StopAsync method is called when the application is shutting down and is where your service’s cleanup logic should reside.

In addition to IHostedService, it is common for hosted services to implement the IDisposable interface. This interface provides a Dispose method that you can override to clean up any unmanaged resources that your service might be using.

Here is a basic example of a hosted service that implements both interfaces:

public class ExampleHostedService : IHostedService, IDisposable
   private Timer _timer;

   public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
       _timer = new Timer(ExecuteTask, null, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
       return Task.CompletedTask;

   public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
       _timer?.Change(Timeout.Infinite, 0);
       return Task.CompletedTask;

   public void Dispose()

   private void ExecuteTask(object state)
       // Implement your service logic here.

In this example, ExampleHostedService is a hosted service that executes a task every five minutes. The task is initiated as soon as the application starts (TimeSpan.Zero) and is repeated every five minutes (TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)). When the application is shutting down, the StopAsync method stops the timer so that the task is no longer executed. The Dispose method is called after StopAsync and is used to release the timer.

After implementing your service, the next step is to register it in the Dependency Injection (DI) container of ASP.NET Core. This is usually done in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup.cs file or in the Program.cs file (for .NET 6.0+), as follows:


By registering the service as a hosted service, ASP.NET Core takes care of starting and stopping the service automatically when the application starts and stops, respectively.

And that’s it! You have successfully implemented a hosted service in ASP.NET Core. In the next section, we will discuss how to handle dependencies in hosted services and how to resolve common issues that may arise.

Section 3: Handling Dependencies in Hosted Services

When working with hosted services, it is important to understand the concept of service lifetimes in ASP.NET Core.

There are three main service lifetimes: singleton, scoped, and transient.

  • Singleton: Singleton services are created once and reused throughout the application’s lifetime.

  • Scoped: Scoped services are created once per scope. A new scope is created for each client request. Therefore, scoped services are reused within a single request.

  • Transient: Transient services are created each time they are requested. They are not reused.

Hosted services in ASP.NET Core are always Singleton. They are created when the application starts and are destroyed when the application shuts down. Therefore, a common challenge you may face is injecting a Scoped or Transient service into a hosted service.

After all, how can you inject a service that has a shorter lifetime into a service that has a longer lifetime?

For example, suppose we have a database service that is Scoped (a common practice to avoid connection concurrency). If we try to inject it directly into our hosted service, we will encounter an error because hosted services are Singleton and cannot directly consume Scoped services.

public class ExampleHostedService : IHostedService, IDisposable
   private readonly MyDatabaseService _databaseService;

   public ExampleHostedService(MyDatabaseService databaseService)
       _databaseService = databaseService;
   // ...

To work around this issue, we can inject the IServiceProvider into our hosted service and use it to create a new scope whenever we need to use our database service. This ensures that the database service is correctly disposed of when we are done using it, even though the hosted service is still running.

public class ExampleHostedService : IHostedService, IDisposable
   private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

   public ExampleHostedService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
       _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

   private void ExecuteTask(object state)
       using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope())
           var databaseService = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<MyDatabaseService>();
           // Use databaseService here
   // ...

By following this approach, we can safely leverage the benefits of different service lifetimes in ASP.NET Core without risking lifetime management issues.

Section 4: Tips and Tricks for Working with Hosted Services

Now that we know how to implement and manage dependencies in hosted services, let’s look at some tips and tricks that can make working with these services easier.

When to Use and When Not to Use Hosted Services

Hosted services are ideal for background tasks or tasks that need to be executed continuously or at regular intervals, regardless of client requests. This includes tasks such as message processing from a queue, health checks of dependent services, or cache updates.

On the other hand, if the task is directly related to a client request and needs to be completed to respond to the request, it is probably better to use a regular (non-hosted) service instead of a hosted service. Remember that hosted services are decoupled from client requests, meaning they do not have access to the request context (such as request headers or user session data).

Handling Errors and Failures

When a hosted service fails, it is important not to let the failure go unnoticed. Failures should be logged so that they can be investigated and corrected. Additionally, you may want to implement some form of error notification to be alerted when a hosted service fails.

If an error is expected (for example, an API call that may fail if the remote service is unavailable), it is a good practice to catch the exception and handle it appropriately instead of letting the exception go unhandled. For example, you might decide to retry after a delay or stop the service if the error persists after several attempts.

Other Best Practices

  • Avoid Blocking the StartAsync Method: The StartAsync method of a hosted service should return quickly to avoid blocking the application’s startup. If your service needs to perform a time-consuming task at startup, consider moving it to a background task.

  • Release Resources: If your hosted service acquires resources (such as network connections, files, or locks), ensure that they are released when the service is stopped. You can do this by implementing the IDisposable interface and releasing the resources in the Dispose method.

  • **Be Careful with

Concurrency**: If your hosted service is running tasks on a timer, make sure that the timer interval is long enough to avoid tasks overlapping. If a task might take longer than the timer interval, consider using a lock (such as a SemaphoreSlim) to prevent tasks from overlapping.

Working with hosted services in ASP.NET Core may seem complicated at first, but with the right practices and a solid understanding of service lifetimes and lifetime management, they can become a valuable tool in your development arsenal.


Throughout this article, I have delved into the utility and implementation of hosted services in ASP.NET Core.

I explored what these services are, how they can be effectively incorporated into our applications, and how to solve some common problems that arise when working with them.

I reviewed the vital interfaces IHostedService and IDisposable, and how they play a fundamental role in creating robust hosted services.

I mentioned the importance of service lifetime and how injecting IServiceProvider can help us manage dependencies effectively in hosted services.

Additionally, I shared some valuable tips and tricks for dealing with errors, failures, and concurrency in hosted services. These best practices can help ensure that our services are resilient, efficient, and easy to maintain.

Remember that practice is the best way to learn and internalize these concepts. So go ahead, apply the knowledge you have acquired in this article, and explore even further what hosted services can do for you and your ASP.NET Core applications. Don’t forget to share your experiences and discoveries with the community. After all, we are all on this learning journey together.


Now that you understand the fundamental principles of hosted services in ASP.NET Core, I’d love to hear about your experiences. How do you plan to implement these concepts in your own projects? Have you encountered any challenges when working with hosted services that we haven’t addressed in this article? Your perspective is valuable and can help other developers grow and learn.

Also, if you found this article useful, please consider sharing it on your social networks or favorite development forums. You never know who might benefit from this information!

Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you in the comments!